Help! I found a turtle!
The following actions can be taken:
1. GPS or approximate marking of the area where an injured or dead turtle is
found. Even dead turtles are valuable due to them still being able to carry viable
eggs. Once the area is identified, a rescuer is called, who then will retrieve the
2. The crossing, uninjured ("the lucky") turtles will be helped across safely.
Of course the human rescuers have to remain save themselves at all times
when participating in this project. Alternatively the location of the turtle is
3. The injured turtle is retrieved by the finder and taken to a licensed turtle rehabilitator for care.
Hot temperatures will cause the injured chelonian to overheat if help does not come within a short period of time.
To transport an injured turtle, simply place the animal gently in a box with air holes and keep it warm. dark and quiet until you can reach the rehabilitator. Do not put the turtle in water, and make sure flies cannot reach the turtle. For large snapping turtles, handle the turtle only between the tail and the hind legs as they cannot reach that part of there body to bite. Never lift a turtle by its tail!
Wait..... what? I am supposed to even rescue a dead/ dying turtle?
Yes! The death of a migrating gravid female should not be in vain. Her eggs can be retrieved, incubated and released back into the wild to preserve the next generation.
Can I just take care of the turtle myself?
No, it is against the law to possess any native species without proper licensing. In addition the general public does not have the required training and access to chelonian specialist vets as a licensed turtle rehabiliatator would.
Please do the right thing for the turtle, call a rehabilitator right away!